Vilka var Vandalerna?


Utdrag ur den Gotiska Mosaiken 1 kap 1 avsnittet
© Inger E Johansson 1995 redigerat 1997

Enligt uppslagsböcker var vandalerna ett östgermansk folk som ursprungligen varit bosatt vid Oder och tvingats flytta p.g.a. hunnernas ankomst. Detta behöver inte vara hela sanningen. Om de källor som utgår från att cimbrerna på 200-talet f.Kr. fördrivits från Jylland av vandalerna har rätt kan vandalernas ursprungliga boplatser knappast ha varit runt Oders mynning.

Vandalerna invaderade Västeuropa och bosatte sig i Gaul, Spanien på 400-talet. Den som ledde vandalerna västsydväst genom Europa var Godegisel. Enligt Prokopius som levde på 500-talet hade vandalerna ursprungligen lämnat sitt hemland p.g.a. hungersnöd. Det område som beskrivs som det område till vilket vandalerna kom låg i Östersjöområdets södra delar. Utifrån de f.n. kända och analyserade källorna är det således ytterst osäkert varifrån vandalerna ursprungligen kom.

Vandalerna hade otur med skörden där de slog sig ned. Detta ledde till att kungen Godegisel, troligen i början av 400-talet drog ned med sitt folk genom Europa. På vägen genom Europa slöt franker och alaner (alemaner, allemagner) upp och följde med Godegisel till sydvästra Europa. Väl nere i Spanien härjade vandalerna till dess att Kejsar Honorius slöt ett fredsfördrag med Godegisel. På villkor att Godegisel och hans män lovade att sluta och röva fick de bosätta sig i västra Spanien. Kort därefter avled Kejsar Honorius.

Godegisels oäkta son Geiseric förde omkring år 429 sina trupper över Gibraltarsund till Afrika. Det finns olika uppgifter om varför Geiseric valde att korsa sundet. Enligt en del källor skall Bonifactius, den romerske militärguvernören i Afrika, ha råkat komma i på kant med den romerske kejsaren. Bonifactius skall enligt uppgift ha bjudit in vandalerna till Afrika för att få hjälp att kvarstå som guvernör. En annan uppgift säger att vandalerna inte visste att fredstraktatet mellan dem och den romerske kejsaren enligt romersk lag skulle förnyas vart trettionde år. Det som därefter hände är en inledning till de återupptagna folkvandringarna som för alltid ändrade Europas gränser. (Källa Prokopius, Vandalenkrieg 1:2 sid 7ff )

När Geiseric kommit över till Afrika så delades styrkorna, bestående av både vandaler och alaner, i 1000-mannatrupper. Geiseric gick år 429 e.Kr. även in i Mauretanien och Numidik.(Källa: Prokopius 1:5 ff) Geiserics framfart ledde till att den romerska flottan samlades på Sicilien för att gå till anfall mot vandalernas fästen. Till slut träffade Geiseric träffade ett fredsavtal med kejsar Theodosius som drog bort sin flotta från Sicilien.(Källa Priscus Text 9)

Geiserics sonhustru var dotter till Theodorid västgoternas kung. I ett anfall av misstänksamhet hade Geiseric skurit näsa och öron av sin sonhustru eftersom denna blivit misstänkt för att förgifta Geiseric. Sonhustrun hade därpå skickats hem till sin far. Av rädsla för Theodorids hämnd vädjade Geiseric till hunnernas kung Attila att gå till kamp mot västgoterna i Gaul.(Källa Jordanes, Getica 35, 184 antas komma från Priscus 20,2 )

Om det nu var så att vandalerna, som uppslagsböckerna säger, drevs västerut i Europa av hunnerna, är det lite märkligt att Geiserics trupper bestod både av alaner och vandaler. I all synnerhet om de forskare som identifierar alanerna som skytiska nomadfolk besläktade med hunnerna. Samtidigt talar också det faktum att Geiseric från Afrika hade så god kontakt med Attila och hans trupper som härjade i nordöstra Romarriket, mot att Geiseric kunde räkna med att få stöd av Attila.

Utdrag ur Den Gotiska mosaiken del 2 kap 1-2


Det finns ett antal källor som berättar om Skandinavien, ön i norra Oceanen eller andra beteckningar inklusive att Tuli/Thule fram till år 400 e.Kr. utifrån vad källorna berättar om natur, seglats dit etc. tycks ha varit Skandinavien och inte som senare (troligtvis) Island som de äldre källorna berättar om. Skriftliga källor kräver alltid att man gör sitt bästa att jämföra dem med de arkeologiska fynd av varierande slag som gjorts.

Den Gotiska mosaiken



© Inger E Johansson 1996


En av de äldsta böckerna som omnämner Skandinaviska förhållanden är Historia Naturalis, i 37 böcker som Plinus d.ä. skrev. Plinus d.ä. dog vid Vesuvius utbrott år 79. 34 av de 37 böckerna om Världens natur och geografiska förhållanden finns bevarade in till våra dagar. Plinus är viktig för den gotiska historien på grund av sin uppgift om vilka folkslag som bodde längs Östersjön samt även ett mindre antal kontrollerbara uppgifter som Plinus lämnar om Skandinaviska förhållanden under hans levnad.

Plinus är en av de första som skrev en lång historia(i 20 böcker) om de Germanska krigen. Tyvärr finns det inget som tyder på att annat än fragment av boken om de germanska krigen bevarats till eftervärlden. Efter att Plinus återkommit till Sydeuropa vistades han under en tid i Spanien.

Plinus tillförlitlighet
Plinus befann sig runt år 70 i norra delen av Romarriket på gränsen till Östersjön. Om Plinus själv vid någon tidpunkt besökte någon del av Skandinavien är däremot ovisst. Det torde dock vara omöjligt, utifrån ett rimlighetsperspektiv att anta att Plinus själv inte kan ha haft direkt kontakt med människor som besökt Norden. Med reservation för att det om de uppgifter som berör Norden är andrahandsuppgifter är det därför omöjligt att helt avfärda de uppgifter hos Plinus som andra äldre källor refererar till som stöd för sina egna uppgifter.

En av källorna som lämnar uppgifter om germaner och nordbor i äldre tider är Germania skriven av Tacitus(~55-120 e.Kr.). Tacitus var romersk historiker och gift med den var romerske ståthållare i Brittanien, general Agricolas, dotter. Runt år 80 blev Tacitus questor. Han blev senare praetorisk prefekt på den tiden Domitianus var romersk kejsare. Även om tjänsterna delvis kom att få mer specifik inriktning under Konstantin den stores tid på 300-talet motsvarade tjänsterna i stort de samma som såsväl Ablabius på 300-talet som Cassiodorus på 500-talet hade. Under general Agricolas tid som guvernör tjänstgjorde ett stort antal germaner i den romerska armen i England. Till det stora Germanien räknade romarna även den Skandinaviska halvön.(Not 1)

Tacitus skrev bl.a. Dialogus de Oratoribus, De Vita Iulii Agricolae, Historiae, Annales samt Germania. I general Agricolas arme tjänstgjorde ett stort antal germaner från norra Europa. P.g.a. Tacitus släktskap med general Agricola var det möjligt för Tacitus att få direkta och indirekta uppgifter om germanska förhållanden. Tacitus uppgifter kan därför ha ett större historiskt värde än det som nutida forskning ofta ger dem. För ”svenska förhållanden” är speciellt Germania intressant. Tacitus skriver om ”Suionum” som bor ute i havet.

Tacitus lämnar flera konkreta uppgifter om Suionerna. Suioner brukar traditionellt översättas med svear. Detta är inte en självklar tolkning och översättning. Utifrån Tacitus andra användningar av begrepp som ”Suenos”, ”Suebos”, ”Suion” är identifikation som diskutabel. (Not 2) I varje fall om man med svear menar svear från Uppland. Tacitus lämnade även andra upplysningar om germanerna, bland dem att ‘germanerna’ offrade sina krigsvinster. (Not 3)

Stämmer Tacitus uppgifter in på det nu känd arkeologisk kunskap kan förmedla om Norden på Tacitus tid? Så långt som det gäller suioner, om man med dessa avser människor som bodde inom nuvarande södra Sverige, stämmer Tacitus uppgifter väl överens med fynd i bl.a. Skåne: Längs en förmodad forntida väg från Finjasjön via Sösdala – Häglinge till Ringsjön(Skåne) har flera vapenfynd kommit i dagen i form av skadade krigsrustningar, dyrbara hästbesel, silverförgyllda sadlar med nielloinläggning, praktfulla och påkostade hästrustningar och delar av andra rustningar.(Not 4) Rustningarna tycks vara offrade efter strider. Allt detta överenstämmer med Tacitus uppgifter. Om man betraktar de skånska fynden i ett större sammanhang, talar mycket för att minst ett större slag stod längs den forntida vägen på 400-talet.(Not 5) Tacitus skrev även att norrmännen inte var lika krigiska som suionerna. Vilka de sistnämnda än var. Tacitus kan ha haft rätt även beträffande norrmännen: De få svärd som hittats från den aktuella perioden inom Norge är nästan samtliga tillverkade i romarriket. (Not 6)

Tacitus tillförlitlighet
Hur tillförlitlig var Tacitus? Det går inte att välja vilka av uppgifterna som är trovärda, antingen får vi utgå ifrån att Tacitus haft kännedom om södra Skandinavien(genom direkta eller indirekta källuppgifter), eller också får den som påstår annorlunda kunna göra det troligt att Tacitus uppgifter är helt gripna ur luften.

Sammantaget innebär ovanstående enkla kontroller mellan ett fåtal av Tacitus uppgifter och nu kända arkeologiska fynd, att tilltron till Tacitus kan vara högre än vad historieforskare hittills antagit. Om Tacitus är tillförlitlig, finns i Germania ett antal uppgifter om dåvarande ”Sverige” som måste beaktas när Sveriges äldre historia skall berättas.
Tacitus släktskap med General Agricola medför, att det inte går att utesluta, att Tacitus kan ha fått första- eller andrahandsuppgifter om germanernas hemområden. Om Tacitus uppgifter är tillförlitliga, så innebär det att stora delar av den svenska äldre historien måste analyseras utifrån samtliga Tacitus uppgifter. När man dessutom tar hänsyn till att Tacitus under Domitianus tid hade det högsta juridiska ansvaret vid tiden för Domitianus besegrande av Sueberna, är det orimligt att anta att Tacitus inte kände till vad han själv berättar.

PTOLEMAIOS(125-161 )
Klaudios Ptolemaios var en på sin tid mycket känd grekisk astronom, matematiker, fysiker och geograf. Om hans liv vet man att han under år 127-141 var bosatt i Alexandria där han utförde astronomiska observationer. Från matematikern Ptolemaios finns de grunder som han lade för den plana och sfäriska trigonometrin bland det som påverkat matematiken.

Ptolemaios skrev ett geografiskt verk ”Geografike’ Hyfegsis.” I detta verk omnämns bland annat cirka 8000 då kända orter på jorden. Även de olika folkslag som bebodde ön Skandia är nämnda i verket. Bland dessa folkslag finns ett som Ptolemaios kallar gautoi. Ptolemaios ger även uppgifter om en flod som springer upp i det inre av landet och brusande kastar sig ut i västra Oceanen. Ptolemaios använder här begreppet Vigothaaelv. Det finns många uppgifter hos Ptolemaios som skulle behöva analyseras noggrannare.(Not 7) Ptolemaios ger i verket en mycket noggrann beskrivning hur kartor skall ritas för att hänsyn skall tas att jorden är en sfär som är ”tillplattad” vid polerna.

Det är inte utan att undertecknad är förvånad när jag ser hur dåligt kartor som sägs vara ritade utifrån Ptolemaios överensstämmer med Ptolemaios mycket noggranna instruktioner. Det blir inte mindre anmärkningsvärt om man tittar på hur lite de som kommenterat Ptolemaios kartor känner till om skillnaden i projektioner och vädersträck som blir om man använder längd eller ytriktiga storleksrelationer på en platt projektion från en sfärisk yta.

Ptolemaios tillförlitlighet
Ptolemaios uppgifter kan ha varit för kontroversiella för den unga kristna kyrkan. Utifrån det dåtida kristna synsättet är det tvärt om troligt att Ptolemaios uppgifter om att Himlakropparna snurrade runt Jorden, kan ha varit lika kontroversiellt för de som ville tänka sig att Jorden var platt och att himlen fanns rakt uppåt. Det kan var ett av många skäl till att Ptolemaios uppgifter ända in i våra dagar är så svår åtkomliga. Det finns många utgåvor även i Västeuropa som sägs vara översättningar av Ptolemaios.

Om man jämför med den utgåva som E.L. Stevensson lät göra 1932 där även foton av äldre avskrifter och källmaterial finns vid sidan om moderna översättningar och bearbetningar, är det omöjligt att bortse från Ptolemaios stora kunskap om sin samtid. Det må vara att Ptolemaios verk bygger på ett antal tidigare kartografers uppgifter. Sjöfarare i alla tider har haft ett behov av någon form av uppteckning. Det är anmärkningsvärt att vi inom den västra kulturkretsen så illa behandlat Ptolemaios att t.ex. uppgiften om att Skandinavien på Ptolemaios tid inte var bebodd av fastboende norr om 62 breddgraden.
Om vi för en stund tittar i österled, har araber och andra under århundraden före år 1000 e.Kr. använt sig av Ptolemaios kunskaper. Namn som Muhammed Khuwâtozmis, Masudi, Ahmad ibn-Muhammed ibn-al-Tayyib Savakhsi, Al Marwazi, Ibn Khurdachbik med flera både kände till och använde sig, enligt egna uppgifter av Ptolemaios efterlämnade material. Det är därför förmätet att tro att vi nordbor i nutiden vet bättre än dem.

Flavius Philostratus föddes omkring 170 e.Kr. Familjen hörde sedan generationer hemma på den grekiska ön Lemnos. Orsaken till att Philostratus räknas in bland de som lämnat bidrag till den gotiska historien är att Philostratus i Lives of the Sophists omnämner Dio Chrysostomus. Chrysostomus hade under det första århundradet efter Kristifödelse skrivit ”On the Getae”. Boken som numera är försvunnen, handlade om Chrysostomus besök under sin långvariga exil i ett antal fjärran liggande länder bland dem det mycket avlägset liggande landet Getae.(Not 8) Getae kan i detta sammanhanget inte stå för Gothia vid Donau som var känt av romarna och grekerna sedan de germanska stammarna svämmat ut över Europa. Dio Chrysostomus föddes i Bithynia år 40 e.Kr. Av Chrysostomus verk finns ett 80-tal essäer och tal som handlar om dessa getae och deras liv bevarade in till våra dagar.

Troligen var Philostratus som skrev ”Lives of the Sophists” svärfar till den mer kände Philostratus d.y. (även kallad the Lemnian). Flavius Philostratus studerade i sin ungdom i Aten och ingick i den inre kretsen runt den syrisk födda romerska kejsarinnan Julia Romna som reste runt hela Romarriket med sitt hov. Det antas att Philostratus följde med henne och kejsar Septimus Severus till England år 208 e.Kr. och till Gaul år 212. Kejsar Septimus och Kejsarinnan Julia hade en son som hette Caraculla. När sonen ledde riket använde Kejsarinnan tid till att ska en intellektuell eller om man så vill pseudointellektuell ton som under resten av Romartiden kom att prägla det Italienska hovet. Det var under denna tid som Philostratus fick extra stor uppskattning. Philostratus flyttade vid kejsarinnans död från Antiokia till Tyre.

Philostratus uppnådde en aktningsvärd ålder. Han levde ända fram till kejsar Philip the Arabs tid(244-249 e.Kr.). Lives of the Sophists skrevs efter att Philostratus runt år 202 bosatt sig i Aten. Boken dedicerades till Gordian. I boken kallas Gordian först konsul. Detta var Gordian mellan år 229 och 230 e.Kr. Längre fram i boken kallas Gordian för prokonsul för Afrika. Detta ämbete innehade Gordian mellan år 230-238 e.Kr. Sista året blev den åttioårige Gordian kejsare och begick strax därefter självmord. Utifrån detta kan det antas att Lives of the Sophists publicerats någon gång mellan år 230 och 238 e.Kr. (Not 9)

Philostratus tillförlitlighet
De flesta uppgifter som Philostratus lämnar avser sin egen samtid. Utifrån Philostratus vittomfattande resande är uppgifterna troligtvis utifrån egen erfarenhet. Vad avser Philostratus uppgifter om källor som fanns till hans förfogande finns det ingen anledning att misstänka annat än att dessa uppgifter är sanna. Hur Philostratus eventuellt misstolkat sin samtid och äldre tidsperiod är inte möjligt att fastställa. De uppgifter som lämnas i denna boks del 3 är av sådan art att de oberoende av eventuella tendenser är omöjliga att ifrågasätta.


Jordanes hänvisar i Getica skriven på 550-talet till ett antal äldre källor bland dem Ablabius ”Ablabius also, a famous chronicler of the Gothic race, confirms this in his most trustworthy account” (Not 10) och sin egen samtida Cassiodorus. Vem var då Ablabius? Det har under många hundra år varit en av de frågor som flera historiker funderat över. Utifrån de rikliga uppgifter som trots allt finns om en Ablabius som var praetorisk prefekt, i likhet med flera andra historiska skrivare, har följande material införts som ett tillskott till den debatten om vem Jordanes Ablabius var. Vad skrev då Jordanes? ”Ablabius also, a famous chronicler of the Gothic race, confirms this in hit most trustworthy account.”(Not 11)

Det finns olika uppgifter om Ablabius bakgrund. Ablabius beskrivs av Eunapius som ”the corrupt official” från Estathius. Enligt Eunapius kom Ablabius från en obskyr familj. På faderns sida tillhörde familjen inte ens övre medelklass.(Not 12) För denna boks syften finns det inget skäl att gå närmare in på de olika uppgifter som finns om den Ablabiuska släkttillhörigheten.

Ablabius, som troligtvis är samma person som Jordanes avsåg, tjänstgjorde som Konstantin den stores ”praetorian prefect”.(Not 13) Det är vidare troligt att Cassiodorus när han hänvisar till Ablabius skrifter avser Konstantin den stores Ablabius.(Not 14) Om det var så att Ablabius uppehöll tjänsten hos Konstantin redan då Konstantin som Caesar hade sitt högkvarter i Arles, det är ovisst. År 306 blev Konstantin romersk kejsare efter att en längre tid ha varit Caesar med Arles i Gaul som huvudsäte.

Under Konstantin den stores tid förstärktes den administrativa organisationen i romerska riket. Vid slutet av Konstantins tid fanns det fyra stycken prefekturer. Vardera prefekturen, hade för den civila verksamheten en pretorian prefekt. En pretorian prefekt av Rom stod näst högst i rang bland den icke militära tjänstemannastaben i riket. Högst i rang räknades ”the pretorian prefect” of the East (Kontantinopel) därefter kom the ”pretorian prefect” av Italien, the ”pretorian prefect” av Illyricum (Thessalonica) samt sist the ”pretorian prefect” av Gaul. (Not 15)

Konstantin den store konverterade till kristendomen omkring 310. Ablabius som var Praetorisk Prefekt var enligt Eunapius(326-414), skyldig till att sophisten Sopater mördades på uppdrag av Konstantin den store.(Not 16) Bakom Eunapius uppgifter ligger motsättningarna som i och med Konstantins omvändelse blev tydliga mellan olika delar av det Romerska etablissemanget.

Konstantin den store ärvde från tidigare kejsare för Romerska riket svåra strider och anfall av goterna. När Konstantin blev kejsare träffades en av många fredsöverenskommelser med goterna. Fredsavtalet gav goterna skattefrihet samt rätt att ta anställning som foederati i den romerska armen. Fredsavtalet träffades mellan Goternas båda kungarna Ariaricus och Aoricus och kejsar Konstantin. Goterna åtog sig att tillhandahålla män till romerska armén.(Not 17) Goternas näste kung Geberich, gick i krig mot Vandalerna för Romarrikets räkning. (Not 18)

De allra flesta Goterna både inom armén och utom denna kom att anta en östligare version av kristendomen arianismen. Enligt flera källor lät goterna döpa sig under 2-300-talet. Orsaken till detta kan vara att goterna under lång tid vistats i eller nära de tidiga romerska kristna både i Gaul och i östra delen av det romerska riket. Goterna kom att tillhöra den arianska delen av den kristna kyrkan. (Not 19)

När Konstantin flyttade över sin egen verksamhet till Bysans lämnade han stora befogenheter i Ablabius hand. Bysans blev den nya huvudstaden i Romarriket år 328 under namnet Konstantinopel. Ablabius inflytande i den västra delen av Konstantins rike ledde till att han fick större makt och inflytande än självaste kejsaren.(Not 20) Ablabius var t.ex. enligt Eunapius skyldig till att sophisten Sopater mördades.(Not 21) Det gick enligt Eunapius så långt att ”Constantine then, favoured Ablabius but was punished for it.” (Not 22) Här avsåg Eunapius Konstantins svårigheter på dödsbädden.

Förmyndare för Constantius
Det var till Ablabius som Konstantin vid sin död lämnade över förmyndarskapet av sonen Constantius. ”To the Care of Ablabius he *Konstantin I* left his son Constantius, who had been co-ruler with him and who shared his father’s Empire with his brothers Konstantin and Constans” (Not 23)

Så fort Constantius blivit myndig avskedades Ablabius. Dettta skedde år 337 e.Kr. Ablabius drog då sig tillbaka till en lyxig gård i Bithynia. Enligt Eunapius förvånade sig många människor över att Ablabius inte själv direkt aspirerat på kejsartiteln. Det kom dock en tid då Ablabius uppträdde så arrogant gentemot sin omgivning och kejsaren att Ablabius i stället för purpurmantel fick en purpurdöd.(Not 24)

Ablabius tillförlitlighet
I sin tjänst som Praetorian prefect(~ ståthållare), var Ablabius chef över alla de ‘officia’ som fanns inom sitt prefektorat. Detta innebar bl.a. att Konstantin den stores Ablabius i sitt arbete var tvungen att ha god kännedom om det som tilldrog sig i riket. Om Ablabius som Cassiodorus och Jordanes refererar till var Konstantins Ablabius, ökar tillförlitligheten hos deras överlämnade materialet. Därmed inte sagt att Cassiodorus och Jordanes med nödvändighet har refererat Ablabius texter på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Är då Ablabius hos Konstantin och Constantius samme Ablabius som Jordanes refererar till och som Cassiodorus omnämner i Variæ X,22?Det finns mycket som tyder på att det är så. Helt är denna frågan dock inte kartlagd.

Marcellinus var född omkring 330 i Antiokia. Som medlem av en grekisk adelsfamilj var det naturligt att han tjänstgjorde i den romerska armen. I kriget år 353 mot perserna deltog Marcellinus i den östromerska armen. Han ingick senare bland de soldater och officerare som skickades med Caesar Julian till Gaul. Marcellinus tjänstgjorde åter i den östromerska armén i striderna mot perserna år 359. Där var det med blotta förskräckelsen som han undkom att bli tillfångatagen av perserkungen Shapur II. År 371 bodde Marcellinus åter i Antiokia.

Ammianus Marcellinus tillförlitlighet
Det är viktigt att notera att Ammianus Marcellinus i många av de uppgifter han lämnar själv varit ögonvittne till det skedda och eller som han själv anger i de fall han har hämtat uppgifter från en andra handskälla – har träffat någon som varit med. Självfallet måste hänsyn tas till Marcellinus egen eventuella tendens i det han skriver. Men, ingen kan få mig att tro att någon forskare i nutiden som inte tagit del av Marcellinus fullständigt översatta text eller avskrifter har större möjlighet att veta vad som skedde än de uppgifter som Marcellinus lämnade och som dessutom stöds av t.ex. Zosimus, Orosius m.fl.

År 346 föddes Eunapius på ön Sardis. När han var 16 år gammal flyttade han till Aten. År 367 e.Kr. och fram till sin död år 414 bodde han åter på Sardis. Där arbetade Eunapius med undervisning i staden Lydia. En av Eunapius viktigaste böcker är ”Universal History” där han fortsatte Dexippus Chronicle fr.o.m. år 270 e.Kr. Några fragment av detta verk finns bevarat i ”the Lexicon of Suidas”.

Eunapius var personligt bekant med alla i de ledande kretsarna i det östromerska riket. Härutöver var han själv ögonvittne till många av de händelser som han berättade. En av hans fåtaliga andrahandskällor var Oribasius som följt med kejsar Julian till Gaul. En annan var Plotinius från Lycopolis, Neo-Platonismens grundare, som levt mellan år 204 och år 270 e.Kr. En annan var Porphyrys (the Tyrian) verk Life.(Not 25)

Eunapius tillförlitlighet
När vi läser om Eunapius uppgifter om Pretoriske Prefekten Ablabius är dessa från en tid alldeles innan Eunapius egen. Eunapius, som inte var kristen, uppfattningar om Västrom och dess innevånare är mycket färgade av hans avoghet mot det kristna västrom. Detta innebär inte att Eunapius trots detta och trots sin proöst-romerska inställning inte kan tänkas förmedla ett rimligt händelseförlopp.

1. Enligt Paulus Diaconus var Germanien ett gemensamt namn för områden i Norden och på Europeiska kontinenten ända ner till Tanais(Don)Paulus Diaconus, 1:1-2. Diaconus refererar till Plinus Secundus, Naturalis historia m.fl

2. Tacitus, Germania 2.2. jfr även med hur begreppet ”Marsos Gambrivios Suebos Vandlios” i 7 av de bevarade avskrifterna skrivs Sueuos och i 2 st Suenos(Tacitus, Germania i De vita Agricolae Rom. II Fasc. I-II 1978-83)

3. Norsk Historie, 1, sid 245-266

4. Strömberg Märtha, Järnåldersguld i Skåne, Lund 1963 , sid 96

5. Strömberg Märta, sid 43-48

6. Norsk Historie, 1, sid 245-266

7. Ptolemaios, Geography of Claudius Ptoloby, ed E.L. Stevenson, New York 1932

8. Philostratus, Lives of the Sophists, bok 1:487

9. Wright WC, Introduktionen till Philostratus Lives of the Sophists, London 1921

10. Jordanes, Getica 28

11. Jordanes, Getica 28

12. Det finns en viss antydan till att Ablabius kan ha varit halvgot eller halvt alan.

13. Blockley Roger C, The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman empire,1983, not 188, sid 150
OBS! Notera att Ablabius innehade samma ämbete som senare Cassiodorus kom att ha under Teoderiks tid.

14. Cassiodorus Variae X,22

15. Ostrogorski G, Oxford 1968, sid 35

16. Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists,ed WC Wright, London 1921, sid 463f

17. Jordanes, Getica 112

18. Jordanes, Getica 115

19. Prokopius, Jordanes, Cassiodorus, Malchus m.fl.

20. Eunapius Lives of the Sophists, översatt WC Wright Ph.D. London 1921, sid 463

21. Eunapius Lives of the Sophists, översatt WC Wright Ph.D. London 1921, sid 463ff

22. Eunapius Fragmenta bok 1,9.2(Vit. soph. 6,3,8)

23. Eunapius Fragmenta, bok 3, 20, 2

24. Eunapius Lives of the Sophists, översatt WC Wright Ph.D. London 1921, sid 464f

25. Wright WC, Introduktionen till Eunapius Lives of the Sophists, London 1921

More Y-SNP calls for Chachapoyas


A special thanks to Genetiker who allows me to reblogg and discuss this!

This is a very interesting study in itself. Even more interesting in the light of Nikulás Bergsson/Bergþórsson’s Leidarvisir and borgaskipan:
”… North of Germany is Denmark. Ocean extending into the Baltic Sea, near Denmark. Sweden is east of Denmark and Norway in the north. North of Norway’s Finnmark. … Beyond Greenland, southward, there Helluland and beyond it Markland, from there it is not far to Vinland. which some people think stretching all the way to Africa. England and Scotland is an island but is separate kingdoms. Iceland is a large island to the north of Ireland …. ”
Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 2 chapter 1

Once I came across a Spanish monk’s notes when he followed Spanish explorers in Mid resp South America. He had a short note that they met ”white” indians with red hair and that almost all died within weeks after the meeting. True or false? Never been able nor had money and/or time following the possible ”lead” to something substantial. Could it possibly be so that Norse Vikings, read Swedes, Norwegians, Scots and Basques, who hunted mamals followed the coast in the New World as the done in the Old?


Below are more Y-SNP calls for six male pre-Columbian Chachapoya mummy samples. Positive calls are in bold, and negative calls are in non-bold.

This post gives more information about the Chachapoyas, and it includes links to photographs of Chachapoya remains showing that they had European rather than Amerindian hair. This post gives more information about the samples below, along with analyses of their autosomal DNA.

The published DNA-based sex determination analyses indicated that one of the seven available Chachapoya mummy samples was female, and that four of them were possibly female, but I’ve done new sex determination analyses that indicate that only one of the samples, NA43, was female.

The calls for NA39 show that he did not belong to haplogroup Q1a2-L56, which makes up the vast majority of Amerindian Y chromosomes. He might have belonged to Q1a1-F1096, whose Q1a1a1-M120 branch has been found in Peruvians.

The calls for NA47…

Visa originalinlägg 803 fler ord

Lite för Uppsalaskolan att fundera över


Del av Sverige från 1583 års karta avritad från äldre karta

Ukraine’s Swedish-Russian history!


The Russian Ukrainian history dating back to Ruriks grandchildren’s time. Note that the sequence of events surrounding the Rurik is documented in at least one contemporary source Rimberts Vita Ansgarii. Events but not the names of the Varangians and Swedish Rus. From Rimbert’s writing (round 865 AD) on forward up to today 2015, there hardly exist one modern state where the old history is as well documented as that of the country of Ukraine – a modern constructed state not an old one!

Btw. Crimea’s Russian and Swedish history of the Crim goes back to 300’s and is documented in contemporary sources…

”Ukraine”‘s true history

Ukraine didn’t exist as a country in Modern Age! Ukraine’s history is a Swedish Russian history well documented from 865 AD In mid 860’s Rimbert wrote Vita Ansgarii in honor of Ansgar/Anskar who in Swedish history is said to have made Sweden a Christian country.

There are few countries on Earth who have so good contempory documentation from the first noted events of 861 AD up to today as the landarea that Ukraine today calls their country.

Over the years they have had Swedish-Rus settlers and rulers, Khazarian rulers (Hebrew speaking people belonging to the Jewis tradition), Mongul rulers, belonged to the Ottoman Empire, belonged to Poland as well as Bulgarian rulers and so on… as late as in early 1400’s the main language spoken according to for each period contemporary sources was early Russian and Gothic languages!

One of many maps everyone discussing Ukraine SHOULD be aware of:

1260px-Chasaren Khazarerna från Wikipedia

An other is Europa 1763 källa Ostindiska kompaniet

and then we have the map showing Europe in 1914….europa-1914 källa historia123

Rus lived in Ukraine area long before Ukraine was known as Ukraine
the Rus-Swede (with a small amount of Danish and Norwegian inlaws) as the Kiev Rus were living in Ukraine area long before the language called Ukrainish was formed, had it’s grammar and written sources!

Among those who can give correct, not Ukraine nationalistic but true history of Kiev Empire are:

* Several Greek monks. From 800’s on forward.
* Rimbert, Vita Ansgarri (the history before 861 AD event and up to 865 confirms almost all in Nestor’s Chronicle. Events and/or ethnic groups!)
* Ibn Miskawaih,The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate, Oxford 1921.
* Ipaty Annals
* Emperor Constantin of Bysans, Dee Cermoniis
* Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the tenth Century, edit Golb Norman and Pritsak Omeljan, London 1982
* Lavrenty Annals
* Liutprand of Cremona, Antapodosis,transl. FA Wright, London 1930
* Nestor’s Chronicle
* Novgorod Chronicle (all up to 1200 can be confirmed from other with events, still existing contemporary MS
* Radziwill Chronicles
* Sharaf Al-Zaman Tahir, Marvazi on China, the Turks and India. transl V Minorsky, London 1942
* Walesiska protokollet

And at least 75(!!!!!) other written sources in Greek, Latin, Arabic as well as…. one in an Asian language…

Had the Ukraine’s tried to make believe that they had Hebrew origin that would have been harder to disprove – because a large group of people within most of Ukraine’s area were either Jews or convered Jews during the Days of the Khazarian Empire. But trying to steal one of the best documented Scandinavian Russian History – That’s a big mistake. Easy to disprove!

Btw. Irina, born Ingegerd to the Swedish King Olof Skotkonung, and her husband Jaroslav, grandson of Vladimir the Great, had several children and were devoted to each other. Irina moved to a Monestry when Jaroslav had died and is in Ortodox Christian History known as St Anna.

As late as today 28th July 2015, you will be able to find her name in one of her ancestor’s owned areas outside the town Norrköping in Sweden. St. Annas archipelago is well known.

Irina’s/Anna’s/Ingegerd’s and Jaroslav’s children married to Royalty in Europe and within two generations there hardly was a Royal Family without Irina/Anna and Jaroslav as their roots! That’s an other reason why it’s so easy to disprove Ukraine Nationalists…. Almost all European contries have in their Libraries Parchments and early handwritten later edited documentation that proves Ukraine as wrong as they possibly can be!

Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 3


Smoking gun part 3
The Norwegian King’s men

1319 Magnus Eriksson, son of the Swedish Duke Erik killed in ”Nyköpings gästabud” and the Norwegian princess Ingeborg, inherited the thrones of Sweden and Norway. Sweden at that time was much larger than today. King Magnus great-grandfather Birger Jarl had lost the Tax-Rights for more than 80 merchandise-towns in today’s Russia, but Birger Jarl had conquered the Tavasts in Tavesteland Finland and thus most of Finland as well as Sveaborg close to Neva River belonged to Sweden.

Norway was one of the larger countries in Europe from Viking Age on to the end of Kalmarunionen’s final annulment in 1521. In 1253 Pope Innocentius IV decided that the Archbishop of Nidaros and Kardinal Nicolaus of Alba would be the Catholic leaders for Oslo, Hammer, Bergen, Stavanger, Orkney, Iceland and Greenland bishops. After hard negotiations between the Pope and the Norwegian King, Norway in 1274 had the sole sovereignty over Greenland, Shetland Islands, Faeroe Islands as well as the Norwegian land in the Universe’s outer most distant areas. Not mentioned, but certainly not forgotten, is Orkney Islands where Earl Sinclair, a distant relative to Scandinavian Royal Families, swore the oath to the Norwegian King.

King Magnus Eriksson was a minor when he inherited Sweden and Norway. In Norway same Paul Knutson, later known as Lawman of Gula Thing, looked after his and his mother’s interests. This might be the reason why we do have a lot of documentation for Paul Knutson, including a smoking gun for him participating with Ivar Bardson (see below) sailing for the Noregian King to Greenland to look for the missing settlers of Western Settlement.

From 1325 to 1340 the Catholic Church had increased it’s property in Greenland. Not only had the monastery in Western Settlement inherited land and farms, they had also ”taken” percentage of farms instead of fur, walrus bone and cod-fish for the tithes payment.

By 1340, nearly all of the Western Settlement’s 190 farms had been expropriated by the Church and Monestries. The once free and independent Greenlanders were reduced to the status of serfs and tenant farmers on their own former owned farms.

The King intended to stress the Norwegian King’s Rights to 10% tax for all goods collected in Greenland sold to Europe. This together with the new registration of churches under King Magnus Eriksson’s rule which was underway in 1341 changed the life for ever especially in the Western Settlement. Same year 8th August 1341 Bishop Haakon of Bergen writes a Passport for Ivar Bardsson, priest in Bergen’s Diocese. Ivar Bardsson is about to sail to Greenland as a representative for Bergen’s diocese which have been given the commission to collect the tithes from the inhabitants of Greenland. (Diplomatarium Norvegivum bind 5 nr 152)

This changed life for the Greenlanders. First 10 % to the church than 10% of they trade-goods to the Crown of Norway, who’s representative was the Commissioner stationed at the home of the Bishop of Gardar. The King of Norway also had the rights to collect tax for what was growing on land owned by farms in Greenland. As late as during the Kalmar Union days it’s noted that Queen Margaretha I had hard cheese delivered to her ”fatabur” (Royal household) But during Magnus Eriksson’s day as Norwegian ruler, in other words when he was King of Norway as well as when his son Hakon had been elected King of Norway with Magnus as a Guardian, it’s noted that Garfalcons, white headed eagles, ivory and exclusive furs were sent from Greenland via Bergen or Orkney Islands reloaded to sail via Sveaborg (close to Russian river Nova) as far as to the Emper of China.

The trade between Iceland and Norway were increasing. In 1342 6 Norwegian trading ships arrives in Iceland. Nota bene it’s the King of Norway who directly or via his representatives in Bergen and Orkney have the rights for this trade. Apart from the normal taxation of the Greenlanders, Norwegian King also had the rights to tax all trade. The King took as mentioned above 10% of the profit.

Ivar Bardson/Bardarson was the Intendent for the Bishop of Gardar during several years. In 1342 Ivar Bardson visits the Western Settlement. If it Ivar Bardson’s brother [IEJ: not confirmed to be a brother of birth, but they share the name Bardson/Bardarsson and are said to be from same farm] hadn’t studied religion to become a priest together with a Pope to be, than we might not have heard so much about Ivar Bardson. But now we have several documents among them Papal letters dealing with information re. Ivar Bardson.

We don’t know for sure if it was during this first visit to the Western Settlement or a second one in 1342/43 Ivar Bardson wrote his report. The report that he left gives an impress that the Western Settlement decided en masse to clear out for parts unknown. ”The inhabitants of Greenland fell voluntarily away from the true faith and the Christian religion, and after having given up all the good manners and true virtues, turned to the people of America (‘ad Americae populos se converteunt’ ) Some say that Greenland lies away near the western lands of the world.”

What we do know is that the Icelandic Annals for 1342, copied from the original parchment in 1637 by Bishop Isle Odds, reporta that there was a quarrel going on between the Papal Church and the Western Settlers might be confirmed by a note that ”The inhabitants of Greenland voluntarily left the Christian faith and turned to the American people”. (Icelandic Annal 1342)

We don’t know for sure if Ivar Bardson returned to Bergen in late 1343 or early 1344. What we do know is that in 1344 6 Norwegian trading ships sailed for Iceland and Thord Eigilsson sailed to Greenland for the King and returned with the Knarr filled with a rich cargo. By that time At that time Ivar Bardsson had returned to Bergen.
That we know because in a Papal letter written 18th March 1344 Pope Clemens VI who had received a request from Ivar Bardsson to be appointed for a guest-appointment as Priest in Bergen’s Diocese take special precaution in helping Ivar Bardson.
The Pope wrote:
Supplicat sanctitati vestre Juarus Barderi presbiter Bergensis diocesis nullum beneficium ecclesiasticum assecutus quatinus sibi specialem gratiam facientes de aliquo beneficio ecclesiastico cum cura uel sine cura spectante ad collationem prouisionem seu quamuis aliam disposicionem episcopi Bergensis si quod in ciuitate uel diocesi Bergensibus vacat ad presens uel quam primum vacauerit eidem de benignitate sedis apostolice dignemini prouidere cum acceptatione inhibitione
decreto et clausula anteferri et cum omnibus alijs non obstantibus et clausulis oportunis ac executoribus deputatis ut in forma Fiat ad marcas uel florenos uel libras sicut asueuit fieri in can- cellaria in illa diocesi quam alias non audiuimus nominari ad summam paulo maiorem quam in forma communi. R – Et quod transeat sine alia leccione. – Fiat. ………”

Source: (Diplomatarium Norvegicum bind 6 nr 171, after original reg. in Reg. suppl. Clem. VI. an. II. p. 2. fol. 161 vs)

A few years later Ivar Bardson returned to Gardar and once again in the late 1940’s, he visited Sandnes, the same farm in Western Settlement as he had done once before. This time he found the farm abandoned by humans. While looking around he found a few animals, intact farms but no trace of violence nor any Greenlanders neither living nor dead. The information Ivar Bardson gives doesn’t correspond with the dating of Icelandic Annals.

The news from 1342 about the Greenlanders abandoning the Catholic Church had from Bergen reached the Pope as well as King Magnus Eriksson. King Magnus was married to Bianca of Namur in Flandern, born in a family with as close and long relations to the Papal Church. The marriage between King Magnus and Bianca of Namur had been intended to be a political marriage. Instead the two Royalty actually fell in love of each other. St Birgitta didn’t think it right that a man and a woman actually should enjoy the physical act. Due to this fact she tried to encourage King Magnus to go on Crusades. Later on she spread the rumor that the King only was interested in men.

First Crusade of King Magnus Eriksson was towards the Finns who at this time grow closer to the Orthodox Church. When the Pope wrote a letter demanding that the Archbishops to make certain that the right, I.o.W. Papal Church, Christianity was spread to the out most distant places in the Seed’s area , St. Birgitta encouraged King Magnus to borrow enough money of the Catholic Church for those crusades.

3rd November 1354 King Magnus chose Paul Knutsson the Gula Ting’s Lawman and former Queen’s (Magnus’ mother) depute for a mission to go to Greenland on King Magnus behalf
”Kong Magnus utnevner Pål Knutsson til høvedsmann på knarren, som
skal seile til Grønland, og gir ham fullmakt til å velge seg mannskap.”
Source: Diplomatarium Norvegicum bind 21 nr 83

There was a Royal boat leaving for Greenland in 1355 But it’s doubtful that that was the boat of Paul Knutsson’s. It’s more likely that the Royal Commissioner Paul Knutsson was on a boat that left Bergen in 1358 shortly after the arrival of a representative for the Catholic Church. That would be more logical.

What we do know is that it’s documented that the Lawman at that time visiting Gardar called upon Ivar Bardarson to go looking for the missing settlers of Western Settlement:
”Jtem dette alt som forsagt er, sagde oss Jffuer *Baardtsen Grønlænder, som war forstander paa biskobs garden, i Gardum paa grønnland udi mange aar, att hand haffde alt dette seett och hand war en aff dennem som war wdneffender aff Lagmanden at fare till westerbijgden emod de skrelinge att wddriffue de skrellinge, wdaff westerbijgd, och da de komme didt da funde de ingen mand, endten Christenn eller heden wden noget willdt fæ och faaer, och bespissede sig aff det willtt fæ, och *toge saa meget som skiuene kunde berre och zeijlede saa der med hiemb och for(schreffne) Jffer war der med.”

English translation:
”All this that has been said here was told to us by Ívar Bárðarson, a Greenlander, who was steward of the Bishop’s estate at Garðar in Greenland for many years, that he had seen all these things, and that he had been one of those who had been chosen by the Lawman to go to the Western Settlement against the Skrælings (i.e. Esquimaux) in order to drive them out of the Western Settlement, and that when they got there they found no-one, neither Christian nor heathen, only some wild cattle and sheep, and they ate some of the wild cattle and took as much as the ships could carry and sailed back home with it, and the aforementioned Ívar was there with them.”
Källa: AM 777 a 4to
Ivar Bardson, Det gamle Grønlands beskrivelse af Ívar Bárðarson (Ivar Bårdssön), ed. Finnur Jónsson (København, 1930).

The only Lawman linked to Ivar Bardson, Greenland and King’s commission in order to search for the missing settlers of Western Settlement, is Paul Knutson.

In 1363 Ivar Bardsson and some other men returns to Bergen where Ivar Bardsson once again are given a position by a letter from the Pope.
In June 1364 Ivar Bardson was back in Bergen. 26th 1364 according to Diplomatarium Norvegicum bind 4 No. 443 At that time the tithe for the all dioceses belonging to the Norwegian churches was submitted to the papal cardinal.

According to Vatican’s registry Ivar Bardson payed for the dioceses under Gardar, Greenland. The years the tithes was paid for was the period 1354 to 1364. Among the dioceses under Gardar two dioceses in Vinland is noted. One of them Korsnes.
The tithes for the two dioces in Vinland has not been discussed in many works since 1899. Then Marie A, Shipley published a book, Shipley, Marie A. [Brown]. The Norse Colonization in America by the Light of the Vatican Finds. Lucerne: H. Keller ‘s Foreign Printing Office, 1899.

Only a few years later the Norwegian King, son of Magnus Eriksson, sent his warfleet westward and that warfleet is noted to have ‘passed’ Greenland….

From previous chapter.

Smoking gun part 2 chapter 1
Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus

Olaus Magnus, born in Skenninge 1490 (d. 1557). During his younger ages he grow up in Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden. (East of Lake Vaettern). ‘

A quick translation from the latin text you may find at Olaus Magnus De fcorteis, feu coriariiis nauibus Gruntlandiæ, Cap. IX

‘In 1505 I saw two such leaderboats above the Eastern portal in the Oslo Cathedral, sanctified to Saint Halvord, where they were fastened on the wall for everyone to look at. It’s told that King Hakon[IEJ: son of King Magnus Eriksson] acquired them, when he with an armed battle fleet passed Greenland’s coast…’

More re. King Magnus’s men sailing to Greenland
Paul Knutsson is only heard of once more and that’s three years later. Paul Knutsson owned half of a farm on Tweiten.
Ivar Bardsson on the other hand is documented several times during the next decades. There is one saying that he might have lived into his 80’s and that he died in 1400 shortly after buying a piece of land. It’s correct that there do exist a diploma dated to 1400 in which it’s confirmed that Ivar Bardsson did buy land. On the other hand it’s not possible to establish if the confirmation was given close in time of the transaction or at a later date.

North Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – part 2 chapter 3


Greenland and the Papal Church

For many years there was two forms of Church in Greenland. Up to 1121 there seem to have been no problems between the two Christian Churches. The one in Western Settlement had contact with Korsnes, Vinland at least up to 1120/21. In 1124 a Bishop was installed in Eastern Settlement.

We know a lot about the one linked to the Catholic Church with Catholic rituals and organization The other is in some sources refered to as started by English mission monks/traveller Bishops. The later is known to have had their centre in Western Settlement. The former as you can read below in Gardar, Eastern Settlement.

6th January 1053 omnibus gentibus Sueonum seu Danorum, Norunechorum, Islant, Scrideuinnum, Gronlant et universarum septentrionalum racionum…”
Source: Diplomatarium Norvegicum bind 17 nr 849
Orig. p. Parchment. in Hannovers Statsarkiv;
Edited in Diplomatarium Norvegicum from: Rydberg’s Sveriges Traktater I. S. 56-59; earlier editions Lappenbergs Hamburgisches Ur-kundenbuch I. S. 74 f. and
Dipl. Island. I. S. 57-60.

Bishop Erik leaves Greenland in search of Vinland
Source Icelandic Annals for 1121
and Lyschander in Greenlandic Chronicle edited 1609

What’s known today makes it plausible that Bishop Erik was a mission bishop. We know that he lived in the Western Settlement and that there was some kind of Bishops See there before he and a lot of people left.

Norwegian King Sigurd Jorsalfar wrote a letter to Archbishop Asser of Lund and asked for a Bishop See on Greenland
Source Regesta Norvegica bind 1 number 67

Same year Arnald is chosen and travels to Greenland to become Greenland’s bishop
Source: Icelandic Annals I, III, IV, VIII and X

Guess you remember
1127 Leidarvisir and borgaskipan from earlier chapter:

”… North of Germany is Denmark. Ocean extending into the Baltic Sea, near Denmark. Sweden is east of Denmark and Norway in the north. North of Norway’s Finnmark. … Beyond Greenland, southward, there Helluland and beyond it Markland, from there it is not far to Vinland. which some people think stretching all the way to Africa. England and Scotland is an island but is separate kingdoms. Iceland is a large island to the north of Ireland …. ”
From Biarmaland northward all the way until you reach Greenland. South of Greenland lies Helluland, then Markland , then it is not far to Vinland the Good. Which some believe extends to Africa. and if that’s true, the sea must extend between Vinland and Markland..…
Source Leidarvisir and Borgaskipan
works: Catholic Encyklopedia ” Pre-Columbian Discovery of America” in the Encyclopedia it’s told that Leidarvisir och borgaskipan was edited 1127.
Information in Catholic Encyklopedia is second by a Diss:
Tommaso Marani, Leiðarvísir. Its Genre and Sources, with Particular Reference to the Description of Rome, Diss Durham University 2012

For more information please read: Norse Vikings predated Columbus – Smoking Gun part 2 chapter 1

As long as the tithes was the only ”tax” the Greenlanders had to pay, there seem to have been good years in Western as well as Eastern Settlement. Monestries were built in several places and more than often larger farms had their own Farm Church. Not every farm, far from that.

The settlers in Western and Eastern Settlement lived a very good life for many years. Exporting from Hvitserk(note 1) on an island south of Greenland’s mainland, to Bergen (Norway), Orkney Islands and Hull. They exported furs, some from animals not existing in Greenland, Ivory and dried Cod. All this can be found in still existing harbor and ships documents. They paid tithes to the Papal Church. If we look at their farms we will find that the farms on Greenland were larger than those in Scandinavia as well as most on Iceland.

Sandnes (W51)
Hall 72 m²
Stable 84 m²
Storage Barn 155 m²

Anavik (W7)
Hall unknown size
Stable 50 m²
Storage Barn 54 m²
Store House/Garner 38 m²
McGovern Thomas H, Bones, Building and Boundaries: Palaeoeconomic Approaches to Norse Greenland, sidan 213 ‘Table 6 Floor-area of selected structures of farms of the Eastern and Western Settlements’

Anavik in Western Settlement and Sandnes in Eastern Settlement.

Christian Church and Norwegian Kings

In 1191 there seem to have been an opposition against Innocentius III Several sources refer to that as a fact. Reason isn’t easily found thus I leave that for now. The dispute seem to have run out. In 1206 Pope Innocentius III confirms that Greenland’s bishop as well as Iceland’s bishop are to have Archbishop in Nidaros, Norway, as their Archbishop. From now on Greenland and Iceland in other preserved sources are said to belong to Norway.
Source: Reg. Innoc. III. T. III. f. 66. an. VIII. ep. 214.(Jfr. Dipl. Norv. III. No. 3 og Norges gl. Love I. S. 439).

Something happens in 1200’s and the Norwegian Kings Knarr starts to be the main transport ship from Greenland to Norway. In earlier days the Greenlanders only had had to pay the tithes to the Papal Church. Now they had to pay tax to Norway as well as they lost their main income when Norwegian Kings took the trade over to Europe. Some ships still came to Hvitserk but due to situation in Europe they weren’t that many. At same time the European trade of Ivory got more supplies from Africa.

All in all this lead up to the situation when settlers in Western Settlement had to give up som of their land to the church/monestry close by in order to be able to pay their tithes.
There is always a reason why over 300 churches that existed when King Magnus Eriksson inherited his grandfather on Norway’s throne in 1319 became close to half in number within less than a hundred years. There is always a reason why Bishop Jon and others left Western Settlement in late 1340’s. We know from Ivar Bardarson’s lines that the Settlement was found to be abondoned in 1347.

Ivar Bardarson is one of the important persons in Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 3. So is King Magnus Eriksson, his mother’s layer in Norway Paul Knutson, a lawman of Gula Thing. The two later will be presented in part 3.
Note 1: Hvitserk
I anden bog, kapitel 11A af de Nordiske folks historie fortæller Olaus Magnus, at sørøverne Pining og Pothurst har ladet inhugge et stort kompas på Hvitserks højeste tinde, og at dets cirkler og linjer var fyldt med bly…. Jørgen Jensen: Kompasroser av sten sid 31

Please note: Pothorst & Pining are mentioned in Olaus Magnus’ ”Historia de Gentibus Septentrionallibus” and on a French map based on his ”Carta Marina”. While for example John/Jon Scolvus sailing to North America mentioned on the Gemma Frisius /Mercator globe of the 1530s. So is Corte Real mentioned to have participated in
Gaspar Fructuoso’s ”Saudades da Terra”. The Scolvus note specifically
mentions 1476 That’s the same voyage of Pothorst and Pining sailing to Greenland via Iceland from Hamburg on behalf of the Danish King made.

Now a days Hvitserk is the name of Greenland’s highest mountain. But back in Medieval Age it was the name of an island south Greenland where there up to 1409/12 is said to have been ships coming from England as well as from Norway.

Prime Sources:
AM 777 a 4
Danskt Diplomatarium
Orig. Regest., Reg. Innoc. III. T. III. f. 66. an. VIII. ep. 214
Diplomatarium Norwegicum,
Islandske annaler til 1578 Skalhóltann, edited Christiania 1888
Ordericus Vitalis, Historiske besetninger om Normanner og Angelsaxere fra Orderik Vitals kirkehistorie I-III. Edition 1889
Svenskt Diplomatarium
Gemma Frisius /Mercator globe of the 1530s
Leidarvisir och borgaskipan
Olaus Magnus’ ”Historia de Gentibus Septentrionallibus”

McGovern Thomas H, Bones, Building and Boundaries: Palaeoeconomic Approaches to Norse Greenland

Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 2 chapter 2


Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 2 chapter 2
© Johansson Inger E, Gothenburg July 2015

From former chapter:
‘In 1505 I saw two such leaderboats above the Eastern portal in the Oslo Cathedral, sanctified to Saint Halvord, where they were fastened on the wall for everyone to look at. It’s told that King Hakon[IEJ: son of King Magnus Eriksson] acquired them, when he with an armed battle fleet passed Greenland’s coast…’
The source refered to was Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, De fcorteis, feu coriariiis nauibus Gruntlandiæ, Cap. IX which you also could find the Latin text for at Olaus Magnus De fcorteis, feu coriariiis nauibus Gruntlandiæ, Cap. IX

The question you might ask is: Who was King Hakon? and secondly Why did King Hakon send an armed battle fleet passing Greenland’s coast? As you might comprehend that only gives two possible answers on question where he was going: Either he passed Greenland sailing from east, in other word either Iceland or Norway or he sailed from west which directly would have given the final proof of a settlement west of Greenland. The later is unlikely so we have to start by assuming that King Hakon sailed from Europa, either from Norway via Iceland or Orkney Island or direct. (To this I will return with some proofs in later chapter)

Now you might have heard of the days in later Medieval Age when Sweden was a large country. 1340, the year King Hakon was born and up to mid 1360’s Sweden was one of the largest Kingdom ever existing. This was due to King Magnus Eriksson, father of King Hakon and his inheritance of Norway as well as Greenland and dioceses under Gardar See, Greenland westward and over to parts of what now-a-days belongs to Russia in the inner parts of Gulf of Finland.

Greenland in King Magnus Eriksson’s and King Hakon’s days
During the 1300’s many things changed in Greenland. In 1300 AD Greenland had more than 300 farms inhabited. More than 3000 people lived at that time in the Western Settlement, the Middle Settlement and the Eastern Settlement. Same year, 1300 AD there were more than 40 churches in Greenland. Many were only small ”farm-churches” regularly visited by the priest from Herjolfsnes and Gardar. Their mission was to look so the inhabitants had the correct Christian believes and paid the tithes. Four or five monasteries still had monks and/or nuns at this time. One in the northern part of the Western Settlement on the way to Disco Bay, one closer to the mountains and the hot springs and the third more in centre in one of the fjords. The later was from beginning a Minoritian Monastery but were altered to a Birgittiner Monastery from the end of the 14th Century.

From 1319 to 1364, the inhabited farms in Greenland decreased from 300 to 190. Most of the abounded farms belonged to the Western Settlement. A year to be remembered until next chapter is 1347. In that year Western Settlement was abandoned. This is one part of the background information you better keep in mind.

Magnus Eriksson
King Magnus Eriksson was born 1319 AD as a son of the Swedish Duke Erik and the Norwegian Princess Ingeborg Princess Ingeborg was the granddaughter of Norwegian king Haakon. Duke Erik was brother of the Swedish King Birger Magnusson, Duke Valdemar and Eufemia who married the Duke of Mechlenburg and became mother of the Swedish King Albrekt of Mecklenburg.

Among Magnus Eriksson’s ancestors and relatives there are Polish, Danish and Norwegian kings; Law mans in England, Norway and Sweden; Earls in England, Jarls in Sweden and Norway; Bishops in Sweden and Denmark; Grand Dukes of Novgorod and Kiew. On the Law-man’s side of the Folkunga Dynasty to which Magnus Eriksson belonged, our Swedish Saint St Birgitta of Vadstena. All this is part of the story why things happened the way they did. In other word the politician picture of the mid 14th Century was as complicated as it is in our days…

While above might seem a bit a side of story, you will find that this matters later on when we return to King Hakon as well as the later days of King Magnus Eriksson.

Magnus Eriksson married Bianca of Namur in 1335. Their sons was Erik Magnusson and Håkan Magnusson. Queen Bianca was one of Duke Jean of Namurs many daughters. Queen Bianca’s grandfather had tried to save Namur and Flandern, where the Duke own much of the land, together with the English king Edward I(King of England 1272-1307).

After that the French king Charles IV died 1st February 1328 his widow gave birth to a female child who couldn’t inherit the French throne. There was two candidates: Philippe de Valois, Philippe IV’s nephew, and the English king Edward III son to the French princess Isabelle daughter to Philippe IV. Edward had inherited big land in France, his mother Isabelle was by no means a candidate but her son could claim the rights to the throne due to old customs.

The Swedish king Magnus spent much time in Flandern trying to help England due to his Brother-in-law’s close continued connection to the English Royal Family against the French candidate, Philippe de Valois. King Magnus even sent his own men to fight in the so called Hundred-year war on his Brother-in-law’s side. The French pretender Philippe de Valois was as you might remember elected king of France.

1348 AD King Magnus finally acknowledge his relative St Birgitta’s request and the Papal papal letter for Crusades to the ”far most parts of his kingdom” and went to Russia on his first Crusade.(Svenskt Diplomatarium 5911).

The tradition in King Magnus Eriksson’s family of Crusades goes back to Crusades on behalf of the Pope in the Baltic Areas. Involving among other Birger Brosa’s brothers Magnus Minneskold and Earl/Jarl Karl the Deaf. One of Birger Brosa’s daughters married Karl Sverkersson’s son Sverker II. This has a significance when it comes to which monestries that had an advantage of old contacts with Sweden’s and Norwegian Royal Families in Scandinavia as well as on Greenland’s soil. Magnus Minneskold was the father of Birger Jarl (founder of Stockholm), Bishop Bengt of Linköping, Earl/Jarl Filip as well as Ingegerd (mentioned above). Jarl Karl the deaf was the father of Jarl Ulf Fase who is the same Ulf/Olaf/Oleg who in Russian annals and chronicles is referred to as ”the last Varjag to be thrown out from Baltic and Novgorod areas.”

Due to circumstances refered to in King Hakon below as well as to the fact that St Birgitta due to her husband as well as her own due to ancestors was having some claim to inherit the Royal throne in Sweden King Magnus Eriksson and his Queen Bianca, in Sweden called Blanka, was slandered by St Birgitta. While some parts of the story she told might be true, there exist no proofs. One of the stories relates to the fact that King Hakon, who inherited Norway while his father still was the King in power had a brother Erik who died suddenly. One of the stories told was that either King Magnus or his Queen Bianca was behind that. In contemporary sources the death is said to be due to illness. Normal illness.

King Magnus Eriksson had problems with his brother in law in Mechlenburg. You will read about that under King Hakon’s part below. This came to a fight where King Magnus and his son Hakon tried to defeat Albert of Mechlenburg who had taken parts of Sweden. Hakon returned to Norway after his father Magnus Eriksson had been inprisoned. Magnus Eriksson was inprisoned for five years before he finally came to Norway.

King Magnus Eriksson is said to have died 1th December 1374 not far from Haugesund i Norge. According to Visby Chronicle Magnus’s son King Hakon took him to Norway and while on a sea voyage close to ”Lywngholm” near Bergen, King Magnus is said to have jumped over board but been saved taken ashore and died. This hadn’t had any significance for the Norse Greenlander’s North American history hadn’t it been for the fact that it’s in a Scottish contemporary document is mentioned that the former King Magnus of Sweden had been on a ship winddriven from Vineland who had fallen overboard and been brought to a Scottish castle near by earlier same year. To that I will return with documentation in later chapter due to that this might be a possible answer to the question WHEN King Hakon latest could have sailed with an armed war fleet by Greenland.

King Hakon
Hakon VI Magnusson born 1340 was the son of King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden and Queen Blanka born in Namur, Flandern. He was elected King of Norway in 1343 to rule and inherit Norway together with his father King Magnus who ruled until Hakon had grown up. King Hakon ruled by himself from 1355 to his death 1380. Due to circumstances mentioned below he became King of Sweden 1362 – 1364.
When 19 years old Hakon was engaged to Margaretha daughter of Danish King Valdemar. Margaretha was 6 years old. During the year that followed King Magnus and King Valdemar became enemies. This due to the battle round Skane. Skane had been inherited/given to King Magnus mother due to her marriage of Porse. King Magnus bought Skane. Valdemar of Denmark went for Visby (we call it that he ”brandskattade Visby” in July 1361 and the story around all this could fill a full book.

Due to the differences between Danish and Swedish King, King Magnus engaged his son Hakon to a sister of the Count of Holstein. After a ceremony in Holstein the bride to be was to sail to Sweden. While passing Skane where the Archbishop of Denmark still was located in Lund, the Archbishop was pro Valdemar and an enemy of King Magnus, the ship was siezed and she was taken as a prisoner to Denmark where she was inprisoned in a castle and dies some years later. Thus King Valdemar of Denmark was able to arrange a quick wedding in Copenhagen in 1363 between Hakon and his own daughter Margaretha who at that time only was ten years old.

Margaretha was brought to Bohus to be fostred by one of St Birgitta’s daughters until she came to age. She is said to have had a very hard upbringing. When she and Hakon finally became a real pair only one son was born in 1387, Olav.

Summary of background
The lines re. King Magnus Eriksson as well as his son Hakon, written above gives background needed to know in order to understand WHY King Hakon sent a warfleet passing Greenland. In the next chapter you will read about Ivar Bardson/Bardarsson, Paul Knutsson as well as two Popes. Or should I say one Pope who happened to be studying to become a monk together with one of Ivar Bardson’s brothers and a Kardinal who in 1364 is documented in two sources as the collector for the Papal See of tithes from Gardar as well as from Korsnes under Gardar (Korsnes in NA) and one other diocese in NA. The Kardinal later became Pope thus his documents still is saved in the Vatican vaults.

Most of the sources used above derive from:
Danskt Diplomatarium
Desliens mappamundi 1566
Diplomatarium Norwegicum,
Islandske annaler til 1578 Skalhóltann, edited Christiania 1888
Ordericus Vitalis, Historiske besetninger om Normanner og Angelsaxere fra Orderik Vitals kirkehistorie I-III. Edition 1889
Svenskt Diplomatarium

When the text within is of interest to the following chapters and/or part 3 of the blogg article serie, the exakt information for where the information can be found will be given.

Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 2 chapter 1


Smoking gun part 2 chapter 1
Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus

Olaus Magnus, born in Skenninge 1490 (d. 1557). During his younger ages he grow up in Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden. (East of Lake Vaettern). ‘

A quick translation from the latin text you may find at Olaus Magnus De fcorteis, feu coriariiis nauibus Gruntlandiæ, Cap. IX

‘In 1505 I saw two such leaderboats above the Eastern portal in the Oslo Cathedral, sanctified to Saint Halvord, where they were fastened on the wall for everyone to look at. It’s told that King Hakon[IEJ: son of King Magnus Eriksson] acquired them, when he with an armed battle fleet passed Greenland’s coast…’

From this 1505 observation and report presented to Olaus Magnus we learn that King Hakon sent a fleet, not single boats/ships passing Greenland’s coast. I have heard same story told from other sources which I don’t intend to refer here. Would anyone please give any good explination why an armed battle fleet with King Hakon on one of the boats should have sailed on a War Mission beyond Greenland if not to fight in NA? When the mission took place? From other sources I have learnt that it took place after 1368 and before King Hakon’s death 1380. Some hint that it was during the return after the War Mission that King Magnus Eriksson died when a ship turned over in high sea outside Bergen 1374.

As for Olaus Magnus lines no matter how interesting they are his brother John’s Carthographic works are even more interesting in the light of the Vinland Map discussion. But that’s a later story to be told

Description of the northern peoples, Rome 1555 : Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, Romæ 1555/Olaus Magnus;
translated by Peter Fisher and Humphrey Higgens; edited by Peter Foote; with annotation derived from the commentary by John Granlund, abridged and augmented
alternative title: Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, Romæ 1555.
London : Hakluyt Society 1996-1998 3 volumes

So what do we have that can sheed light on the important facts told by Olaus Magnus? Let’s look at old edited sources mostly forgotten:

Konungs skuggsjá.
Written in 1250’s as a textbook to educate son of a Norwegian King. We don’t know for sure who wrote it. The book present intersting information re. Greenland. It’s a book where a son asks question and a father answers. Translated into English from OldNorse by Laurence Marcellus 1917. A short quote:


Son. You stated earlier in your talk that no grain grows in that country; therefore I now want to ask you what the people who inhabit the land live on, how large the population is, what sort of food they have, and whether they have accepted Christianity.

Father. The people in that country are few, for only a small part is sufficiently free from ice to be habitable; but the people are all Christians and have churches and priests. If the land lay near to some other country it might be reckoned a third of a bishopric; but the Greenlanders now have their own bishop, as no other arrangement is possible on account of the great distance from other people. You ask what the inhabitants live on in that country since they sow no grain; but men can live on other food than bread. It is reported that the pasturage is good and that there are large and fine farms in Greenland. The farmers raise cattle and sheep in large numbers and make butter and cheese in great quantities. The people subsist chiefly on these foods and on beef; but they also eat the flesh of various kinds of game, such as reindeer, whales, seals, and bears. That is what men live on in that country.”

Thus we know that Greenland and Greenlanders weren’t forgotten and that one knew more than we have been told. But more is to be told….

Source from 1130’s

Nikulás Bergsson/Bergþórsson was a Benedictine monk. He went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land passing Sienna and Rome returning to Iceland in 1154. It’s said that he died between 1158 and 1160. (IEJ: Haven’t been able to confirm whith)
Nicholas Bergthorsson later became abbot of the Icelandic monastery of Thveraa or Munkathvera (1151 — 54). While many historians have had problem relating Nicholas Bergthorsson to Thveraa, neither the Catholic Church nor the Ortodox Church have had that problems. They have him documented as the first abbot of Thveraa. You can find a map of his journey down Europe marked in Fabrizio Nevola, Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City, page 93, Map showing pilgrimage routes to Rom through Sienna, Yale University Press, 2007

In Leidarvisir och borgaskipan written in first half 1100’s One copy was given to the Pope 1134) Nicholas Bergthorsson told us that there was a Sea between Markland and Vinland.
Please note that a Diss was published 2012 dealing with Leidarvisir: Tommaso Marani, Leiðarvísir. Its Genre and Sources, with Particular Reference to the Description of Rome, Diss Durham University 2012

Leidarvisir and borgaskipan:
”… North of Germany is Denmark. Ocean extending into the Baltic Sea, near Denmark. Sweden is east of Denmark and Norway in the north. North of Norway’s Finnmark. … Beyond Greenland, southward, there Helluland and beyond it Markland, from there it is not far to Vinland. which some people think stretching all the way to Africa. England and Scotland is an island but is separate kingdoms. Iceland is a large island to the north of Ireland …. ”
From Biarmaland northward all the way until you reach Greenland. South of Greenland lies Helluland, then Markland , then it is not far to Vinland the Good. Which some believe extends to Africa. and if that’s true, the sea must extend between Vinland and Markland..…

Thus it’s established that in 1100’s Vinland wasn’t forgotten as well as the fact that the Norse Greenlanders travelled around in NA as they had done in Europe. Followed land while sailing further distances than been we have been told.

In his later years Nicholas Bergthorsson wrote an other for religous people very interesting note:
In the year 1157 [IEJ ??? I don’t agree upon the year] the Danish abbot Nicholas Bergthoson described how, at the court of Manul I Comnenus, in the chapel of the imperial palace in Constaniople (Byzantium), two relics from Christ’s tomb were shown to him, not one; a burial cloth and a portrait Source: Paul Badde, The True Icon: From the Shroud of Turin to the Veil of Manoppelio, Ignatius Press, 2012

Norse Vikings predated Columbus exploring North America – Smoking gun part 1


Pehr Kalm born 1716 (d. 1779) was born in Sweden by Finish parents. He was a trained scientist, botanist, naturalist as well as agricultural economist and one of Carl von Linné (Linnaeus) followers. 1747 Pehr Kalm was payed by Royal Swedish Academy of Science to register information as well as bringing back plants and seeds to Sweden.

In 1750 Peter Kalm visited the area around todays Quebec. He edited 3 volumes, one nr 4 was edited after his death from notes he made. Some of the information he presents in his work where he notes what he saw in 1750. An English translation was made in 1966. Title: The America of 1750 : Peter Kalm’s travels in North America.

* During his trip in 1750 found Peter Kalm 180-190 years old white pines in Bay St. Paul (near Quebec)

as seen in the image below, the pine is not naturally occurring in NA.

Pinus Sylvestris (sv. tall)

Pinus Sylvestris (sv. tall)

source: Pinus Sylvestris, Linneaus Flora

180-190 years is still borderline because they could be planted by Cartier in 1534

* But when Kalm tells that he in 1750 saw 230 years old the red pines dated from counting of tree rings, those pines that aren’t native in NA can’t possibly be linked to any known European explorer.

That tree must have been planted at least 4 years before Verrazzanos made his exploration journey form Florida up to Nova Scotia in 1524. And Verrazzanos never made in inlands nor did he follow for example Hudson River north.

* But the real smoking gun was a Oak tree planted 251 years before Kalm’s voyage in 1750. Oak never was native in NA and that tree was planted latest 1499.

Quercus robur - Ek